Our clients come from a diverse variety of backgrounds.  Some rely on DACA and TPS to ensure their legal status, some are refugees seeking asylum from persecution and unstable governments, some are permanent residents ready for Citizenship in the country they call home, and some are family members longing to be reunited with their spouses, children, and family members in the United States.

Reliable Legal Counseling

If there is an immigration-related legal problem in your life and you are not sure how to proceed, I can provide you with honest and reliable legal advice. I provide in-depth legal consultations where we will review the facts and circumstances of your case, and formulate the best strategy for success.

Family Based Immigration

If you are seeking to file a petition on behalf of a spouse, parent, child, or sibling, you can receive legal counseling and help with preparing your case with our office.

Consular Processing

If you are applying for a visa which needs to go through a U.S. consulate, you can receive guidance for your consular interview, help with submitting documentation, and assistance with preparing and submitting the necessary forms.


If you are blocked from obtaining legal status due to your undocumented status, a past deportation, criminal history, or other issue that makes you barred from entering the U.S., you can file for a waiver which will legally clear you to come into the United States either permanently or temporarily.

Humanitarian Relief

If you are seeking legal status based on humanitarian circumstances, such as seeking asylum because you fear persecution, temporary protected status based on your nationality, U visa status based on being a victim of a crime, VAWA relief as a victim of domestic abuse, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, or a T Visa based on being a victim of trafficking, you can receive help with legal counseling, preparation, and submission of your case with the government.


If you are seeking to become a naturalized citizen of the United States, you can discuss your options, receive counseling and guidance through the entire application process.

Brief Services

If you have any existing immigration documents which need to be requested or renewed, such as a green card, advance parole for travel, or a work permit, these can be submitted for renewal within 24 hours.


We will ensure that the proper research is done with government agencies, local governments, and other offices to evaluate which records may affect your current situation and how it will impact your eligibility for future immigration relief.

Deportation Defense

We provide legal representation in Immigration Court and present the strongest case possible in order to legally remain in the United States and to obtain legal status for yourself and your family.